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Winter Safety

Nov 08, 2020

Did you see it? Here on Prince Edward Island, we woke up on Halloween morning to a blanket of white snow. Winter doesn’t officially start until December but the seasons are quickly changing and now is the time to start thinking about Winter. 

As dreaded as some of those chilly mornings are, the season can be quite fun. Some people think outdoors activities are strictly for summer but fresh air is medicine. The open air is somewhat calming and refreshes our bodies with the clean oxygen we need. 

As long as you dress for the elements and take the right precautions, there’s so many entertaining activities you can do outdoors. 

Whatever fun you decide to take part in, it’s always important to be prepared. Dressing for the elements is probably one of the most important factors to enjoying the season. Cold temperatures can wreak havoc on our bodies. When skin comes in contact with below freezing temperatures, frostbite is possible. 

How to know if you have frostbite? The most common areas to get frostbite are on your fingers, toes, ears, cheeks and chin. advises when you’re starting to get frostbite your skin will feel a pin and needle type sensation. You’ll start to lose feeling or get numb and you might notice your skin turning blue or gray. Severe frostbite might even start to produce blisters and you could lose feeling of parts of your body completely. 

Your face and hands are most exposed to the elements because they’re usually not covered up. Wearing mittens and a face mask can quickly eliminate your chances of getting frostbite as quickly. The cloth will act as insulation and help keep your body warm from the weather. 

Although your feet are covered in socks and boots, if your boots get wet your feet are then exposed to freezing temperatures. Wearing extra socks or bringing an extra pair of warm socks to change into if your feet get wet can help you stay safe in the Winter. 

Be Prepared: When planning an outdoor activity in the Winter, be prepared. Take extra precautions and bring a few supplies just in case. Pack a backpack with a few supplies like extra hats, mittens and socks. Having these items can help if anyone gets wet, injured or the temperatures change. A fun day of cross country snowshoeing on a trail seems safe but depending on the weather, things can change quickly. 

You should pack supplies like a first aid kit, a flashlight, water, extra food and you should always let someone know where you’re going and how long you’re planning to be there. In case of disaster like falling through the ice or getting stuck in a snowbank, having those extra supplies could save your life. 

The snow does a great job at hiding what's underneath it. The ground might look like it’s part of the trail, but underneath your next step could be ice or water. We all know ice is dangerous and it hides extremely well but having a bad fall on ice 5km from your car, in the middle of nowhere, could be deadly. Having extra supplies to clean cuts, scrapes or burns can help make sure you’re temporarily okay to keep walking and get back to your vehicle safely. 

Make sure your cell phone is fully charged before planning a full outdoor outing. Sometimes extreme cold weather can kill your phone battery faster. Just in case you need to call for help having a charged battery will help keep you safe. Telling someone where you’re going in advance could help in the worst case scenarios. If your phone dies or you don;t have any signal, if you’re not back in the expected amount of time, whoever you told, knows exactly where you are and where to send help. 

Getting lost in the wilderness is always a threat. Especially when every tree is slightly covered in snow and landmarks all start looking the same. Bringing supplies like a flashlight with extra batteries will help you find your way in the dark and could act as a signal to alert people of your location. Bringing food and water will help you stay energized and just in case you do get lost, you know you’ll be safely hydrated and fed to keep your body going the extra mile. 

Winter activities can be fun for the entire family. Skating, skiing, snowshoeing, camping, outdoor sports and hiking are all common Winter pastimes and can be fun for all as long as we do them safely. Packing a Winter Prep Kit is easy and it could help save the day when disaster strikes. Be prepared for any conditions and make sure the fun never stops. 

Learn more about keeping safe from frostbite here.

By Saeed Abbasgholipour 06 Dec, 2020
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